Source code for ctparse.rule

# flake8: noqa F405
import logging

from datetime import datetime
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union, Type

import regex

from ctparse.types import Artifact, RegexMatch

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# A predicate is a callable that returns True if the predicate
# applies to the artifact
Predicate = Callable[[Artifact], bool]

# ProductionRule is a function used to generate an artifact given other
# artifacts.
ProductionRule = Callable[..., Optional[Artifact]]

rules = {}  # type: Dict[str, Tuple[ProductionRule, List[Predicate]]]

_regex_cnt = 100  # leave this much space for ids of production types
_regex = {}  # compiled regex
_regex_str = {}  # map regex id to original string
_str_regex = {}  # type: Dict[str, int] # map regex raw str to regex id

_regex_hour = r"(?:[01]?\d)|(?:2[0-3])"
_regex_minute = r"[0-5]\d"
_regex_day = r"[012]?[1-9]|10|20|30|31"
_regex_month = r"10|11|12|0?[1-9]"
_regex_year = r"(?:19\d\d)|(?:20[0-2]\d)|(?:\d\d)"

# used in many places in rules
_regex_to_join = (
    r"(\-|/|to( the)?|(un)?til|bis( zum)?|zum|auf( den)?|und|"
    "no later than|spätestens?|at latest( at)?|and)"

_defines = (

[docs]def rule(*patterns: Union[str, Predicate]) -> Callable[[Any], ProductionRule]: def _map(p: Union[str, Predicate]) -> Predicate: if isinstance(p, str): # its a regex global _regex_cnt if p in _str_regex: # have seen this regex before - recycle return regex_match(_str_regex[p]) # test the regex first re = r"{defines}(?i)(?P<R{re_key}>{re})".format( defines=_defines, re=p, re_key=_regex_cnt ) new_rr = regex.compile( # Removed the separator here - leads to more matches, # as now each rule can also match if it is not followed # or preceeded by a separator character # r'(?i)(?:{sep})(?P<{re_key}>{re})(?:{sep})'.format( re, regex.VERSION1 | regex.BESTMATCH, ) if new_rr.match(""): raise ValueError("expression {} matches empty strings".format(p)) _regex_str[_regex_cnt] = p _str_regex[p] = _regex_cnt _regex[_regex_cnt] = new_rr _regex_cnt += 1 return regex_match(_regex_cnt - 1) else: return p # check that in rules we never have a regex followed by a regex - # that must be merged into one regex def _has_consequtive_regex( ps: Tuple[Union[str, Callable[[Artifact], bool]], ...] ) -> bool: for p0, p1 in zip(ps[:-1], ps[1:]): if isinstance(p0, str) and isinstance(p1, str): return True return False if _has_consequtive_regex(patterns): raise ValueError("rule which contains consequtive regular expressions found") mapped_patterns = [_map(p) for p in patterns] def fwrapper(f: ProductionRule) -> ProductionRule: def wrapper(ts: datetime, *args: Artifact) -> Optional[Artifact]: res = f(ts, *args) if res is not None: # upon a successful production, update the span # information by expanding it to that of all args res.update_span(*args) return res rules[f.__name__] = (wrapper, mapped_patterns) return wrapper return fwrapper
[docs]def regex_match(r_id: int) -> Predicate: def _regex_match(r: Artifact) -> bool: return type(r) == RegexMatch and == r_id return _regex_match
[docs]def dimension(dim: Type[Artifact]) -> Predicate: def _dimension(d: Artifact) -> bool: return isinstance(d, dim) return _dimension
[docs]def predicate(pred: str) -> Predicate: def _predicate(d: Artifact) -> Any: return getattr(d, pred, False) return _predicate
from ctparse.time.rules import * # noqa