Time Parse Dataset

The dataset included in datasets/timeparse_corpus.json contains a set of ~2000 human annotated time expression in english and german.

The dataset is a list of json records with the following fields:

  • text: the text for the time expression
  • ref_time: a timestamp in ISO 8601 format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS
  • gold_parse: the human annotation of the time expression. It can be a Time or Interval.
  • language: a two-digit code indicating the language. In this dataset it is either “en” or “de”.

For Time, the format is as follows:

Time[]{YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM (dow/tod)}

Where: - YYYY is a four-digit year or X, if year is missing - MM is a two-digit month or X, if month is missing - DD is a two-digit day or X, if day is missing - HH is a two-digit hour (24 hour clock) or X, if hour is missing - MM is a two-digit minute or X, if minute is missing - dow is an integer between 0 and 6 representing day of week or X, if missing (in the dataset, day of week is always missing) - tod is a string representing the time of day (such as earlymorning, morning, forenoon, noon, afternoon, evening, lateevening) or X if not specified.


Morning of the 11th June 2017
Time[]{2017-06-11 X:X (X/morning)}

For Interval the format is as follows:

Interval[]{<START_T> - <END_T>}

Where <START_T> and <END_T> are the beginning and end of the interval. <START_T> or <END_T> can be None if the interval is open-ended. They can be specified using the same representation for times, as described above:

YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM (dow/tod)


Wed, Oct 11 2017 8:30 PM - 9:47 PM
Interval[]{2017-10-11 08:30 (X/X) - 2017-10-11 09:47 (X/X)}